Where do the missions take place and what are the mission hours?
WorldSkills Lyon 2024 takes place at Eurexpo Lyon (Chassieu), but also at several sites in the Lyon Metropolitan Area (hotels, Opening and Closing Ceremonies, various events, etc.). All locations are accessible by public transportation.
Most missions take place over a range of hours, from 8am to 8pm. Some missions, depending on their specificities, may start before 8am or extend past 8pm.
Are missions adapted to people with disabilities?
Yes, some missions are adapted to suit different types of disability. These will be clarified during the application interview or directly with the Volunteers Programme team.
Will there be preparations before the start of the missions?
Yes, a programme of various training courses, accessible by videoconference or face-to-face, has been set up and will be available as soon as the application has been validated.
Do Volunteers have insurance during their missions?
The organizer has taken out civil liability insurance for all Volunteers, covering material and personal damage.