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Content Usage

Use policy and photo credits

Photo usage policy

Terms of Use

Non-Commercial or Educational Reproduction

All information on this site has been posted to provide WorldSkills Members, stakeholders, supporter sand partners with direct access to information about the programs and services offered by WorldSkills.

The information has been posted with the intent that it be readily available for personal and public non-commercial (educational) use and except where otherwise prohibited, may be reproduced, in part or in whole and by any means, without charge or further permission from WorldSkills International.

We only ask that :

  • The materials not be modified.
  • Users exercise due diligence in ensuring the accuracy of the materials.
  • WorldSkills International be identified as the source of the materials.
  • The reproduction is not represented as an official version of the materials reproduced, nor as having been made in affiliation with or with the endorsement of WorldSkills

Commercial Reproduction

Reproduction of multiple copies of materials on the site, in whole or in part, for the purposes of commercial distribution is prohibited, except with written permission from WorldSkills International. To obtain permission to reproduce materials on this site for commercial purposes, please contact: mailto:media@worldskillslyon2024.com

How to properly recognize WorldSkills when citing a photo:

When a person chooses to use a photo from the WSI Flickr website or the WSI photo gallery, the following statement must appear directly under the photo: “Photo: courtesy of WorldSkills International” or “©WorldSkills International

Exception to the Commercial Reproduction rule

Global Partners of WorldSkills will be permitted to use photos for commercial purposes provided that they inform WorldSkills of what photos will be used and in what capacity. WorldSkills reserves the right to deny usage of the photo(s) if it will reflect negatively on WorldSkills or be contrary to WorldSkills goals and objectives

Use policy and video credits

Terms of Use

Online usage

All information on this site has been posted to provide WorldSkills International Members, stakeholders, supporters and partners with direct access to information about the programs and services offered by WorldSkills International.

If a Member, stakeholder, supporters or partner wishes to have any WorldSkills videos play on their own website there are two different options:

WorldSkills International will gladly provide a video link to the desired website

WorldSkills International will gladly provide a embedding code to have the player directly on the desired website

The reasons for this are:

  • The materials cannot be modified.
  • To continue to capture accurate and crucial statistical information that helps WorldSkills International play for future WorldSkills videos.
  • Increase brand awareness of WorldSkills International
  • Maintain the brand integrity but ensuring the videos remain in their full and original form.

Offline usage

If a Members, stakeholder, supporter or partner wishes to obtain the actual video, WorldSkills International will provide it for offline usage only. The video will only be supplied in the final edited format with the WorldSkills International overlay and branding surrounding it.

Reproduction of multiple copies of materials on the site, in whole or in part, for the purposes of commercial distribution is prohibited, except with written permission from WorldSkills International. To obtain permission to reproduce materials on this site for commercial purposes, please contact mailto:media@worldskillslyon2024.com

Edits or changes to videos

If a Member, stakeholder, supporter or partner wishes to have an edited version of a video, they must work with WorldSkills International to ensure that the edits/changes are acceptable and approved by WorldSkills International.

To obtain permission to edit/change videos on this site, please contact mailto:media@worldskillslyon2024.com

Commercial reproduction

Only Global Partners of WorldSkills will be permitted to use videos for commercial purposes provided that they inform WorldSkills of what videos will be used and in what capacity. WorldSkills reserves the right to deny usage of the video(s) if it will reflect negatively on WorldSkills or be contrary to WorldSkills goals and objectives.

How to properly recognize WSI when citing a video

When a person chooses to use a video for offline purposes from the WorldSkills TV, the following statement must appear directly under the video:“Video: courtesy of WorldSkills International” or “©WorldSkills International