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Competition Team

What’s a Skill Competition Manager?

The Skill Competition Manager is responsible for providing management, guidance, and leadership for a skill competition from C-21 months until C+1 month. The Skill Competition Manager is one member of the Skill Management Team. The SCM is appointed by WorldSkills through an expression of interest and application process immediately following a Competition.

What is a WorkShop Sector Manager ?

The Workshop Sector Manager is a person with qualifications and experience in one of the skills in the industry sector to which they are appointed. The WSM is responsible for overseeing the Workshop Managers in their industry sector. The Event Organizer appoints a Workshop Sector Manager for each industry sector.

What’s a Chief Expert?

The Chief Expert is the Expert responsible for providing management, guidance, and leadership for a skill competition.

What is an Expert ?

An Expert is a person with experience in a skill, trade, or technology who is representing a Member in the skill competition related to their particular expertise.

Who are Workshop Managers?

The Workshop Manager is a person with qualifications and experience in their accredited skill who is responsible for workshop installations, preparation of materials, workshop security, Health, Safety, and Environment, general tidiness and neatness of the workshop area. The Workshop Manager is appointed by the Event Organizer.